Erchin Serpedin

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Curriculum Vitae


Jul 05-Jun 07 Postdoctoral Training in Bioinformatics and Genomics under a training grant offered by NCI (US National Cancer Institute) at Texas A& M University, College Station, TX.

Sep 95-Jan 99 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering: University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Dissertation: ``Equalization of linear and nonlinear communication channels using transmitter or receiver diversity.''

Sep 91-Sep 92 M.Sc., Electrical Engineering: Georgia Institute of Technology, School of ECE, Atlanta, GA.

Sep 91-Oct 92 Specialization Degree in Transmission and Processing of Information: L'Ecole Sup'erieure d'Electricit'e (SUPELEC), Paris, France. Thesis: ``High-quality audio transform coding for stereophonic channels.''

1986 - 1991 Diploma of Electrical Engineer: Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Dept. of Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania. Thesis: ``Singular value decomposition-based identification methods for the estimation of state space equations.'' Advisor: Prof. Petre Stoica, Uppsala University, Sweden.


Dec.'14 Globecom 2014 Conference (Global Communications Conference)
Nov.'13 Gensips 2013 (IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics) Best Paper Award
Apr.'13 William Keeler Fellow Award
Jan.'13 Elected IEEE Fellow
Jul.'08 ICDT (International Conference in Digital Communications) 2008: Best Paper Award
Apr.'06 ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Faculty Award
Oct.'05 TEES (Texas Engineering and Experimentation Station) Fellow Award
Apr.'05 NRC (US National Research Council) Faculty Award
Dec.'04 Outstanding Professor Award: Texas A&M University, ECE Dept.
Aug.'04 CCCT (Communications, Computing and Control Technologies) 2004 Conference: Best Paper Award
Jan.'01 US National Science Foundation (NSF) Career Award.
Sep.'95-May'96 University of Virginia Departmental Fellowship.
June'91 Graduated at the top of the class at Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Department of Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania.

Awards Won by Dr. Serpedin's Students