Erchin Serpedin

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Picture of Erchin Serpedin 

Erchin Serpedin
Professor, IEEE Fellow

Curriculum Vitae

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Texas A&M University
3128 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-3128 USA


Contact Information

Location: Wisenbaker 310MB 
Tel: (979)-458-2287
Fax: (979)-862-4630 
Email: eserpedin at tamu dot edu 

Prospective Students

For the students who contact me by email: if you send your resume or CV via email, I prefer to have it as a .pdf file or as a .doc (Microsoft Word) file. I usually keep all the applications that I receive, and when I am able to select a student I contact only the most qualified student. Given the huge number of requests that I receive, I can reply only to the most outstanding students. If you feel that your qualifications are not outstanding, please do not send me any email. Students with strong math qualifications are encouraged to contact me. For the other candidates, please abstain from contacting me. Just submit your application file to the Graduate Office of TAMU. Thank you for your interest.